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Frequently Asked Questions 

Everything you need to know about the product and billing. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please reach out and a team member will respond.

  • Does A.R.T. work for people with multiple severe and complex food allergies?
    Since A.R.T. was created 20 years ago, over eight hundred people with mild-to-severe food allergies, including people with multiple, life-threatening allergies, have graduated from the A.R.T. process, and successful A.R.T. "alumni" still can eat all foods freely.
  • Can any other conditions benefit from the A.R.T. treatment approach?
    Although A.R.T. was originally developed to treat severe food allergies, it can also improve other immune conditions and sensitivities, such as: Chronic Lyme disease PANDAS: Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal Infections Asthma Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Eczema Lactose intolerance Chemical sensitivities Animal allergies Environmental allergies
  • How is A.R.T. different from Oral Immunotherapy (OIT)?
    A.R.T. is extremely successful in treating clients with multiple, anaphylactic allergies because A.R.T. addresses the overactive immune system, which is the root cause of the allergy. Once the immune system is functioning properly, foods are safely and gradually introduced. Ultimately, A.R.T. allows clients to eat freely, integrating foods into their diets without limitation and without any daily dosing requirements.
  • What is the most important factor in achieving a successful outcome with A.R.T.?
    A successful outcome with A.R.T. relies on attending weekly 30-minute appointments and adhering strictly to the A.R.T. process and protocols consistently until the treatment has been completed.
  • How much does A.R.T. cost?
    A.R.T. requires a financial investment that is not covered by medical insurance. The total cost will depend on the complexity of the allergies and the response to the treatment, which will determine the length of time needed to complete the process. If you are ready to commit the time and effort to the A.R.T. process, please send us an email at or send us a DM on Instagram or Facebook to discuss your allergies and/or other health conditions and acquire information about cost.
  • Do you only treat kids at A.R.T.?
    No! We have clients of all ages. The youngest age that we typically start seeing clients at is two years old. We treat toddlers, children, teenagers, and adults of all ages.
  • How do I contact client support and speak to someone directly?
    If you need assistance with your account or have any other questions, please contact our Client support by filling out the form here. Our team is available to assist you Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm EST. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.
  • How long is the waitlist?
    answer here
  • What should i expect now that i have joined the waitlist?
    answer here
  • How do I add multiple children to my account?
    If you have multiple children in the program, you will receive separate subscription invitations. Simply follow the instructions in the email to add each child to your account. If you did not receive an invitation for one of your children, please contact client support or your practitioner directly.
  • How do I cancel my subscription?
    Please contact your practitioner directly in order to make changes to or to cancel your subscription. If you would like to change payment details in your account, please see below.
  • How do I update my payment information?
    To update your payment information, log in to your account and navigate to the "Payment" section. From there, you can add or update your payment method. If you are having trouble updating your payment information, please contact client support for assistance.
  • Where can i find a copy of the Subscription agreement for my records?
    You can view and download a copy of the terms and conditions here Alternatively - we have attached a PDF file in this answer.
  • How do i access my payment account?
    The good news is that when you subscribe to your plan, you are actually creating a payment account with us! If you have never accessed these functions you can do so for the first time by tapping on the profile box in the top right of the web page, or the menu icon on your mobile.. Web: Mobile Icon: Tap the Log-in prompt and then tap "reset password" to gain access to your account using a password that you will be prompted to create once you receive the password reset link via email. Follow the steps to reset your password here
  • How do i reset my account password?
    If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. You will be prompted to enter the email address associated with your account. After you enter your email, a password reset link will be sent to you. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.
  • Can I change the email address associated with my account?
    Yes, you can change the email address associated with your account. To do so, log in to your account and navigate to the "Account" section. From there, you can update your email address.
  • How do i change my payment method for my subscription?
    You can change your payment method in the wallet section of your account once you log in. If you need help accessing your account, visit how to access your payment account The wallet section can be accessed within your account by tapping your profile in the top right of the page: - This is what it should like like from your mobile device:
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