Cara Gelderblom

A.R.T. Practitioner
Cara is an A.R.T practitioner and a board-certified music therapist. Shortly after graduating with her Master's in music therapy and clinical research, she sought help through the A.R.T program in New York City to assist with unexplained symptoms and food sensitivities that doctors told her were simply due to a dysfunctional immune system and that there was no cure. This experience inspired Cara to dive in more fully to the holistic health and healing world, and she is thrilled to have the opportunity to now be an A.R.T practitioner and help others who have experienced similar challenges with their health. Outside of A.R.T, Cara still practices as a music therapist and sees clients of all ages and diagnoses. She is honored to be able to combine her passions for health, healing, nutrition and music all to help clients find their healthiest and fullest selves.